
Health Unit Explains Delay in Administering Moderna Vaccine

Dr. Wajid Ahmed announced area long term care and retirements homes not in a COVID19 outbreak would begin to receive the vaccine on Monday, January 4

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is explaining its decision to wait four days before administering the Moderna vaccine to residents of long term care and retirement homes.

In a statement to AM800 news, Medical Officer of Health Dr. Wajid Ahmed says "We fully acknowledge the importance of getting the residents of LTCH and RHs immunized. The actual administration of vaccine is dependent on having all the information that is critical before someone can be vaccinated. It includes basic data, informed consent, cold chain maintenance, training of staff to handle/administer the new vaccine and the appropriate documentation for the ministry. We are working with the priority LTCH and RHs to organize everything and start administering the vaccine as soon as possible."

The Moderna vaccine arrived in Windsor-Essex on Wednesday

Prior to its arrival, Dr. Ahmed announced area long term care and retirements homes not in a COVID-19 outbreak would begin to receive the vaccine on Monday, January 4.

Eight to 10 health unit nurses were trained on Wednesday on how to administer the vaccine.

The Moderna vaccine will be given to residents of long term care and retirement homes while staff at the homes will continue to receive the Pfizer vaccine.

Local News
