
Moderna Vaccine Set to Arrive in WindsorEssex

Health unit nurses will begin to administer the vaccine on Monday to residents of long term care and retirement homes

Hope is in the air at the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit.

The health unit has announced, it will be receiving the Moderna vaccine on Wednesday.

Medical Officer of Health Dr. Wajid Ahmed says health unit nurses will be administering the vaccine to residents of long term care and retirement homes starting on Monday, January 4.

He says the health unit is using a risk based model when selecting the homes to receive the vaccine first.

Dr. Ahmed says at this time, homes under a COVID-19 outbreak will not be receiving the vaccine.

He says residents of the homes will receive the Moderna vaccine while staff members will continue to receive the Pfizer vaccine.

"With the roll out of Moderna vaccine that we can take it directly to the home, it will help us to protect the most vulnerable in the population," says Dr. Ahmed. 

He says when entering a home, the plan is to vaccinate every resident before moving on to the next home.

"COVID-19 has impacted our long term care homes and retirement homes the most," he says.  "By vaccinating the long term care home workers with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the residents of these homes with Moderna, we will add another layer of protection for our most vulnerable population."   

Dr. Ahmed says it's still unknown how many doses of the vaccine the local health unit will receive.

"We may receive enough to vaccinate at least half of the population that are currently residents of all the long term care home and retirement home and there maybe future ship supply that will come to us," he adds.

Between eight to 10 nurses are learning how to administer the vaccine.

The health unit is currently working with eight homes in the area for the vaccine.

There are 44 long term care and retirement homes in Windsor-Essex.

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