
Windsor Traffic Camera System Nearly Complete

The video traffic monitoring system being installed by the City of Windsor is just about complete on major roads.

One final major thoroughfare in Windsor needs to get cameras installed to complete the video traffic system on arterial roads.

There are now cameras at all intersections of major roads across the city with the exception of Wyandotte.

Senior Manager of Traffic Operations, John Wolfe, says the infrastructure to add those cameras is in place with the cables already in the conduits ready to be attached.

He expects those cameras to be attached over the winter.

Wolfe says traffic is already benefiting from the system:  "it makes a lot of difference in terms of unnecessary stops and delays, there's been a lot of improvement and much better traffic flow on the arterials where it's installed"

Wolfe says they will now compile data from the system over the winter and spring and after that may adjust the timing at some lights to improve the flow of traffic even more.

He says once Wyandotte is complete they'll start work on smaller sub-arterial roads like Dominion and Seminole.

Local News
