
Windsor Public Library to Launch Digital Branch

The 10 month pilot project will begin in July

The Windsor Public Library is starting a new chapter and launching a digital branch.

CEO Kitty Pope says during the pandemic 1,400 new e-cards have been issued, so a pilot project will run from July to April 2021 and will test its viability.

"We have learned through this whole COVID-19 experience how much our customers really want and use electronic resources, whether they are downloading a book to read for recreation or they are using a database," she added.

Pope says the project will be reviewed after 10 months.

"Windsorites really like and are comfortable using e-resources and that got us thinking about, what can we learn about this COVID-19  experience and I think we walked away with we really need to better serve our electronic customers," she says.

People will be able to ask reference questions to a staff member through the digital branch, according to Pope.

"I'm really looking for some great books to read to my four-year-old or I'm doing some research on whatever, can you please send me some resources, so face-to-face reference services," she says.

Pope says the best part is that the digital branch does not cost any money and it will be a matter of shifting resources within the physical library branch to accommodate.

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