Windsor Police Chief Ready For Final Public Meetings
Windsor's police chief is getting ready for the final public meetings in Amherstburg.
Al Frederick says he was pleased with the response from town residents last week after discussing the city's takeover proposal. Frederick along with Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens and Deputy Chief Vince Power have been at the meetings gathering feedback and answer questions.
As heard on AM800 news last week, the proposed takeover was met with mixed reviews from town residents.
He says he understands there are some concerns but feels Windsor has a great proposal on the table.
"Our proposal is at least disruptive as could possibly be," says Frederick. "We're leaving the same officers there with all the added benefits of the resources the Windsor police has to support them in their duty so I think it's a win-win."
He's encouraging Aburg residents to attend the last two meetings, the next of which takes place Thursday at 6pm at St. Peters ACHS College in Malden Township.
"I think the more the better because the more people that can hear directly from us about the pros and cons but certainly all the benefits that it's going to bring to community safety, I think that's a good thing," says Frederick.
The town would save roughly $567,000 if it made the switch to Windsor police.
The final meeting is set for this Saturday at 11am at the Libro Centre.
Town council is expected to make a final decision at its Monday, February 26, 2018 council meeting.