
WindsorEssex NDPs Call for Ontario PCs to Resume Legislature

"Toronto,Canada - February, 18 2011: Queen's Park, Ontario Legislative Building which houses the Provincial Government of Ontario."
"Toronto,Canada - February, 18 2011: Queen's Park, Ontario Legislative Building which houses the Provincial Government of Ontario."
MPP Percy Hatfield says representatives need answers on the COVID19 pandemic now, not in February

New Democrats are calling on the Ontario PC's to resume the legislature as COVID-19 cases continue to hit record heights province wide.

The province shut down the legislature in December and it isn't scheduled to resume until Feb. 16. Windsor-Tecumseh MPP Percy Hatfield has a message for Premier Doug Ford.

"Things are happening in such a fashion that nobody predicted it," he says. "You know it and I know it, we need to be back in the legislature so we can get a handle on this thing before it spins out of control."

He tells AM800 News there are questions that need to be answered now.

Hatfield says local MPP's are hearing concerns on everything from the priority of vaccinations to class sizes should schools resume in-person learning.

"A lot of questions that need answers and the easiest was to get them is to have the legislature back in session," he added. "We shouldn't be taking all this extra time to get back because there's too much happening too quickly."

Local MPPs Lisa Gretzky and Taras Natyshak also joined Official Opposition NDP Leader Andrea Horwath in calling on Ford to recall the legislature immediately.

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