
WindsorEssex Hospitals Share In 1.89million For UpgradesRepairs

The money comes from the Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund

The three hospitals in Windsor-Essex are sharing $1.89-million to help pay for repairs and upgrades.

The money comes from a $175-million Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund.

Windsor Regional Hospital is getting $714,137 for improvements to a back-up generator at the Ouellette Campus.

AM800 file photo of the Ouellette Campus at Windsor Regional Hospital

Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is receiving $755,937 for underground tank replacements, fire alarm upgrades and an Air Handling System in the Brown Auditorium/East Wing and the Erie Shores Healthcare, formerly Leamington Hospital, gets $428, 819

The money is intended for critical improvements to facilities such as upgrades or to replace roofs, windows, heating/AC units, fire alarms and back-up generators.



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