Windsor Bike Shop Feeling Strain of COVID19 Restrictions
Ambassador Bicycles' owner Robert Parent says his staff is feeling the strain of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Parent tells AM800's The Morning Drive the demand for bikes and repairs is high right now.
The shop located at 1932 Ambassador Dr. in Windsor recently had to appeal to the public for patience after staff were subjected to verbal abuse from customers.
"People are just frustrated and as we get closer to spring they want a bike, they want their bike fixed, and there's some pent up demand to kind of get what they need," he added. "I'd say 90 per cent of the customers we have understand, and that 10 per cent, we're going to battle it out"
Parent is asking residents to remember staff at businesses across the city are putting in long hours to keep up with demand under COVID-19 restrictions.
"We've had to deal with staff that wasn't comfortable with dealing one on one with customers and then providing that safe work environment by keeping the distance in the business," he says.
He says the shop only has around 10 per cent of its usual stock levels due to a global shortage.
"The demand for cycling products and bikes right now globally is up 30 to 40 per cent, so there's just not enough product to go around to meet the demand," he says. "It's frustrating because we can't get what we want when we want it."
Parents says repairs are at an all time high right now with everyone looking for COVID-19 friendly activities heading into spring.
He's asking everyone to show a little kindness, as staff members are going through a stressful time as well.