
WECDSB Open To City Talks Over South Cameron Parking Issue

The city is trying to find a solution to a lack of parking in the neighbourhood

The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board is open to talking with the city about parking concerns in south Cameron.

The city's Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee is deferring a decision on a request for on-street parking in the neighbourhood, near Holy Names Catholic High School, to explore a potential land sharing partnership with the board.

The city is trying to avoid additional on-street parking and thinks there is excess land in the area that could provide a potential solution.

Board spokesperson Stephen Fields says parking has been a concern the two sides have discussed in the past and the board will be ready to have that conversation again. "Not just about the issue of Holy Names, but basically all of our schools and trying to launch a kind of public awareness campaign that would encourage more children to walk to school. We're pretty reliant on our cars in this community and there are some other alternatives."

Fields is also confident the two sides can properly explore potential solutions. "We're certainly very aware of what the problem is in that neighbourhood — it is indeed very, very congested, especially when school is in with Northwood {Public School} there and Holy Names right there and the mosque, it's really, really a busy, busy place."

The Windsor Islamic Association has requested additional on-street parking on five streets in the neighbourhood near the high school to accommodate worshippers on Fridays from 11am to 4pm.

The committee hopes to make a recommendation to council come September.

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