VIDEO Pledge Campaign Encourages Acts of Kindness
Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare and Bell Media, the parent company of AM800 and CTV Windsor, want to make kindness viral.
A pledge campaign has been launched encouraging people to do acts of kindness and to share it on social media with the hashtag "#iPledgeChallenge".
In previous years, the campaign was focused on preventing bullying, but this year the direction changed to be more positive and encourage acts of kindness.
Organizers felt just making a pledge, wasn't enough.
"This campaign, we do hope is an opportunity for people to intentionally address and engage with people from a kindness, compassion and positive human interaction," says hospital CEO Janice Kaffer. "Rather than telling people what not to do, using a medical terminology, vaccinating after the disease is already started, we want to use kindness as a vaccination to prevent bullying from ever happening."
As an example, instead of receiving birthday gifts, 11-year-old Liam Dutot asked for money to be shared by three local charities.
"It made me feel very good, I'm sure it also made many others feel good."
Dutot raised $215 which was shared by the Canadian Cancer Society, the Fight Like Mason Foundation and the Julien Gaudet House which helps grieving families after a loss.
He hopes others follow his lead.
"I want them to donate more and to always give and never be selfish and take it all for yourself."
Organizers say the acts of kindness don't have to be complicated or extravagant, but could be as simple as treating someone for coffee, or a nice note.