
VIDEO Ontario Increases Spending in Economic Statement

Ontario Legislative Building at Queen's Park, Toronto, Canada
Ontario Legislative Building at Queen's Park, Toronto, Canada
The fiscal update details efforts to balance the books

The provincial government has released its fall fiscal update.

The statement boosts spending by $1.3-billion — largely due to a reversal of cuts to programs and services that were included in the spring budget.

An additional $279-million will be put into the autism program following outcry about service changes and an extra $310-million is going to social services, including continuing a child benefit it had planned to stop.

Municipalities had also been angered when the government announced cuts to child care, public health and ambulance funding, and today's fiscal document shows that partial backtracks on those cuts are costing about $189-million.

Ontario's deficit is now expected to be $9-billion for this fiscal year, down from the $10.3-billion projection in the budget.