UPDATE Westcourt Residents Get Temporary Access This Evening
It will be at least Saturday before residents can return home at Westcourt Place and that is only if the building owner and insurer can get their electrical system up and running again.
A fire in a car parked in the underground parking garage broke out at Westcourt Place on Goyeau, Tuesday morning damaging seven vehicles and the electrical system for the building.
Windsor Fire and Rescue has set up a temporary access for residents to retrieve items from their units.
Here are the guidelines for residents who want to take advantage of this opportunity:
• Only one resident per unit is permitted to attend.
• First come, first served basis – must check in with a Windsor Fire Official in the City bus parked at Goyeau and expect a wait to gain entry (please be patient).
• Residents must wait on the bus or lose their spot in line.
• Bus will be located at the main entrance on Goyeau.
• Residents are to plan to pack for their essential needs for 72 hours or more: this is to include clothing, medical devices, medications, ID, keys.
• If the resident has a pet, they must be able to retrieve their pet on their own and must have their own carriers for pets: firefighters will not carry pets outside of cages.
• If they require shelter for the next 72 hours or more, they need to report to the WFCU Reception Centre at 8787 McHugh Street.
• Residents are allowed one entry to gather all required items.
• Residents must be able to provide proof of residence in order to gain entry, e.g. driver’s licence
• No further access to the Westcourt building will take place after 8pm this evening.
• Residents who can’t make today’s timeframe are asked to call or email 311 (311@citywindsor.ca) and leave a name, apartment number and number to be called back. If owning a vehicle please also indicate the parking level it’s in. Calls would be best early Thursday morning. The contact centre opens at 8am.
The electrical distribution system to the building was also damaged and the medical officer of health ordered a complete evacuation of the building late Tuesday afternoon because there's no power, heat or water.
There are 166 units and 30 commercial offices in the building.
Some residents are staying with family and friends while 26 residents, six children and one pet are staying at a make-shift shelter at the WFCU Centre set up by the city and red cross.
In total, over 200 residents have been displaced.
Mayor Drew Dilkens says it is up to the building owner from Montreal to repair the electrical system.
"We are really asking the building owner to take note of what has happened here and make sure that the insurer is on site as quickly as possible to provide the resources that are needed to get this building up and going," says Dilkens. "And because this is private property, we need the owner to step in a way that we haven't seen her doing in the last 24 hours."
Dilkens tells AM800 News the repairs need to be made by the building's owner.
"The power equipment that was damaged that feeds the building is not Enwin's equipment, it is owned by the building owner so it is private property so as we understand, work will have to happen to bring in a generator that can help feed power to the building in short term because in 72 hours it is unlikely that the equipment that was damaged will be fully restored."
Building Manager Vickie Heyden says they are trying to get repairs done as soon as possible.
"We are working the best we can, I have spoke with them all day, I have been talking to engineerings, electricians to get them in and to get a generator to get our building up and running as soon as we can," says Heyden. "I had a nice conversations with them on the phone and yes, they do understand how serious it is and how we want to get our residents back home and comfortable."
Windsor Fire Chief Stephen LaForet says the structure and foundation of the building is safe, but it can't be occupied until the electricity has been restored.