
University of Windsor Kicks off Windsor Proud Campaign

More than 16,000 students attend the university

The University of Windsor has launched a campaign to raise awareness and increase enrolment.

It kicked off the 2nd annual Windsor Proud Campaign on Friday which will focus on raising the university's profile in southern Ontario and in the Toronto area, featuring billboards, videos, social media and print advertising.

More than 16,000 students attend the University of Windsor and in the past two years, the number of applications has jumped 10% in each year.

"Windsor Proud is not just a marketing slogan to use to persuade individuals to come to the university," says Associate Vice President of Enrolment Chris Busch.  "But really an authentic belief in the institution and what is being espoused by our students, by our faculty and staff."

Busch says the university has done a great job attracting the best students because, "You have to remember that everyone has a choice on where they come to work, where they come to study."

University President Dr. Robert Gordon says last year's campaign was a great success in terms of promoting awareness of the university, its accomplishments and the region.
"Windsor Proud builds on the premise that everyone is proud of something, whether it is celebrating their strengths or overcoming challenges. They are proud of their family, their friends and the place where they live," he says. 

The campaign also features the University Alumni Association featuring local graduates.

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