Tecumseh Doctor Says Never Give Up On Your Dreams
A fantastic experience.
That's how Dr. Adam Sirek is describing his unsuccessful shot at becoming an astronaut with the Canadian Space Agency.
"This is a place where you can really do anything, if you work hard and put you mind to it," says Dr. Adam Sirek. "Never give up on your dreams."
As heard on AM800 News earlier this week, the Tecumseh family doctor was not picked on Canada Day to join the agency.
He was beat out by Jennifer Sidey of Calgary and Joshua Kutryk of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.
Dr. Sirek says he hopes to get another shot.
"The Canadian Space Agency will probably recruit again at some point in time. If I'm lucky, I'll be young enough to still apply, we'll see what happens," says Dr. Sirek.
Dr. Sirek made the short list of 17 candidates out of 3700 applicants to join the agency.