Shoreline Conditions Statement issued by ERCA

The Essex Region Conservation Authority has issued a Shoreline Conditions Statement due to high wind conditions in the forecast.
The statement covers the western shoreline of Pelee Island and islands within the western basin of Lake Erie.
Winds are currently mild blowing out of the southwest over Lake Erie and are expected to speeds of up to and over 50 km/hr sustained out of the west and west-southwest directions, with frequent high gusts.
ERCA says on Sunday, winds are forecasted to reduce slightly to sustained speeds of over 35 km/hr and eventually dissipate by the morning of Monday, Dec. 13.
West winds of this magnitude are expected to temporarily lower water levels in the western basin of Lake Erie; however, in areas where there is deeper water, strong wave activity is expected to cause some splashing and spray, and may also cause damage to shoreline structures.
Larger/strong waves are expected along the west shoreline of Pelee Island (Township of Pelee). In addition to splashing, spray and potential damage to shoreline structures, there is an increased risk of accelerated erosion with the predicted wind conditions. West Shore Road on Pelee Island is of special concern as waves can cause significant erosion and damage to the shoreline protection works along the roadway. Should waves be strong enough, there is an additional risk of damage to the West Shore Road roadway surface.
The Shoreline Conditions Statement is effect until 9 a.m. on Dec. 13.