Seniors Centres in Chatham Kent Leamington Receive Provincial Funding
Eight seniors centres across the Chatham-Kent-Leamington riding are sharing in provincial grant money.
MPP Rick Nicholls presented the cheques for four of the centres in Leamington this morning at the Half Century Centre.
They'll share a total of about $170,000 out of $375,000 for the entire riding.
Nicholls says the centres are important for seniors moving into the region.
"You're getting a lot of people from the GTA and the GTHA coming down to Leamington. They don't know a lot of people down here, so this provides an opportunity for them to develop friends, have some fellowship to stay active they have different programs."
Nicholls says the centres are important in the lives of seniors.
"It's healthy for them, it takes them away from feeling isolated. It takes them away from, they can come to their senior centres and grab a coffee or have a donut or a cookie with people and just socialize."
Half Century Centre Executive Director Christine Lehn says they have a use for the $53,000 they're receiving.
"This particular money, the special grant money, we're putting in an epoxy flooring in our gym. And then the regular funding helps us with out day to day expenses."
Lehn says about 70 per cent of the new members coming to the Leamington ecntre are from the Toronto area.
Stoney Point is receiving $32,000, Tilbury gets $53,000 and $38,000 goes to Wheatley.