Report Recommends Leamington Stick with OPP
Windsor and Chatham-Kent police services might be a little too pricey for Leamington.
The town began accepting bids to replace Essex County OPP last year and a report going before council next week is recommending council return to its original agreement with provincial police.
According to the report, contracting police services from Windsor or Chatham-Kent would have "enormous financial impacts" on the town.
The report shows policing under the proposal from Windsor police would increase costs by 54 per cent in the first year with the total cost of policing increasing by $11.2-million to $46-million over a five year contract.
(Courtesy of the Municipality of Leamington)
An increase of that size would need to be funded through a tax increase or by cutting other municipal services, according to the report.
Town council voted to terminate its contract with the OPP due to a lack of communication, dissatisfaction with the level of service and the police force's refusal to adapt its policing model to suit Leamington.
The report will go before council Tuesday at 6 p.m. for consideration.