Ramsey, Conservatives Call For Emergency NAFTA Meeting
The Conservatives and New Democrats in the House of Commons are teaming up to pressure the Trudeau government to go public with its priorities for the re-negotiation of NAFTA.
As AM800 News reported last month — Essex MP Tracey Ramsey, along with NDP leader Tom Mulcair, sent off a letter to the Prime Minister demanding the objectives for the new North American Free Trade Agreement be released.
On Tuesday, Ramsey along with Conservative MP's sent off a letter calling for an emergency meeting after the Trump administration in the US came out with its NAFTA wish list.
The emergency meeting would be an opportunity for MP's to grill the government on Canada's negotiating objectives.
The request was sent to the Commons International Trade Committee and if agreed to could see ministers called to testify immediately.
Negoations between Canada, the US and Mexico are expected to begin sometime in mid-August.