Provincial NDP Leader Calling For A Public Inquest Into Long Term Care Facilities
The provincial leader of the NDP is calling for a public inquest into long term care facilities in Ontario.
Andrea Horwath was in Windsor on Thursday and met with a woman whose mother is in a local long term care home.
Cheri Hernandez feels her mother Anna is being physical, psychologically and sexually abused at the home.
She says her mother has been at the facility for four months and has been injured eight times and was sent to the hospital.
"Mom went from a happy go lucky, vibrant elder who would laugh, sing, have conversations and could walk independently to sitting in a wheel chair, eyes closed and mostly non verbal," says Hernandez.
She says no investigations were launched at the home.
Hernandez says she has brought up her issues to the home's staff and administration.
"The first time I pointed out that my mom was in horrific pain, the RPN waited an additional hour before giving her a single pill for pain but charted that she had given it 46 minutes prior to the actual administration time," says Hernandez.
Provincial NDP leader Andrea Horwath with Cheri Ann Hernandez (Photo by AM800's Rob Hindi)
Horwath has called on the Liberals to fix the ongoing problems and start the inquest.
She wants the inquest to focus on the Wettlaufer murders and an investigation into staffing levels, funding and safety conditions in care homes across the province.