A prescribed burn has been scheduled for the of August on Pelee Island.
Ontario Nature will be conducting the burn on the Stone Road Alvar Nature Reserve - located on the island.
An alvar is an area of very thing topsoil over limestone bedrock. These conditions create a distinct ecosystem in which unique plants and animals thrive.
Currently, the Stone Road Alvar contains more than 100 rare species, such as the Giant Swallowtail Butterfly, Miami Mist, among others, and several at-risk species like the Blue Racer and Lake Erie Water Snakes.
Prescribed burns revitalizes the alvar and keeps it open and free from shrubbery - allowing rare plants and animals to flourish.
Approximately 27 acres of the Stone Road Alvar will be burned, with the remaining lands staying untouched.
The prescribed burn will be conducted by professional staff from Lands and Forests Consulting and is scheduled to take place between August 26 and September 7.
Ontario Nature staff will be present on Stone Road to answer questions on the day of the burn.