OPP Respects Recent Decision of Leamington Council OPP Inspector
The OPP has released a statement after Leamington Council voted this week to terminate its contract in one year.
Essex County OPP Detachment Commander, Inspector Glenn Miller, says the OPP respects the recent decision of Leamington Council to end its policing agreement with the OPP.
Inspector Miller's complete statement:
"The OPP respects the recent decision of Leamington Council to end its policing agreement with the Ontario Provincial Police. As Essex County OPP Detachment Commander, I wish to express my sincere appreciation and unwavering support for the hard work, commitment to the community and dedication our officers display every day in providing professional policing services to the citizens of Leamington. I am immensely proud of our members and civilians who have served in Leamington, as is all of the OPP. We look forward to fulfilling our obligations as outlined in the present Agreement between the Town of Leamington and the Ministry of the Solicitor General."
Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald voiced concerns that she was getting complaints from residents regarding the level of service in town.
She said the town had no choice but to make the motion to explore other options.
She noted the town didn't even have access to how many officers were on the road.
Leamington spends $5.4-million a year on policing.
The town will now send out requests for interest to neighbouring police services.