Minister Hears Concerns Over Possible Closure of Airport Control Tower
"Productive and informative."
That's how Windsor-Tecumseh Liberal MP Irek Kusmierczyk is describing a meeting with Canada's Minister of Transport, Omar Alghabra, over the future of the air traffic control tower at Windsor International Airport.
On Tuesday, the minister met with Kusmierczyk, Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens and Tecumseh Mayor Gary McNamara to discuss NAV Canada's plan to possibly eliminate air traffic control services at six airports, including Windsor.
Kusmierczyk says the many reasons to keep the tower were clearly stated to the minister.
"Both Mayor Dilkens and Mayor McNamara are very passionate about the community and that came through," he says. "They talked about the safety concerns, they talked about what Windsor International Airport means to the local economy, what it means to our community. They also discussed the history of the investments that have been made."
Kusmierczyk says the meeting provided a space to get all the issues on the table.
"So make sure that NAV Canada hears us loud and clear, but at the same time making sure that the minister of transport, making sure that the Prime Minister's office understands our concerns, here, locally and making sure that the voices of our community and the voices of our local leaders are absolutely heard loud and clear," he says.
Kusmierczyk says the minister made a pledge to keep safety priority one.
"The minister was absolutely adamant and committed to making sure that any decision that's made that it will not have any negative impact on safety, but at the same time, the minister also reiterated our government's commitment to be a real partner for Windsor and Essex in terms of economic development," adds Kusmierczyk.
NAV Canada announced the study in November 2020 as a cost saving measure due to the decline in air traffic caused by the pandemic.
Since then, politicians across the region have been working to save the tower due to concerns over safety and the impact it could have on the economy.
With files from Rob Hindi