
Major Reconstruction Planned For Danforth Ave. In Leamington

Work should begin in the next two weeks

Work to upgrade Danforth Ave. in Leamington should begin within the next two weeks.

The $2.8-million project will include sewer upgrades, sidewalk reconstruction and traffic calming measures between Seacliff Dr. E. to Hayward St.

Mayor John Paterson says it's a busy construction season in Leamington. "It's one of several sewer separation projects we're doing. We're just completing one in the Marlborough St. area. We're doing one on Bevel Line/Pelee Dr. which is ultimately huge, but the Danforth one is one of the main north/south runs in Leamington, long overdue for sewer separation."

"The goal is to make the area more pedestrian friendly," says Paterson. "There's a lot of senior families there. There are a number of young families there, it seems to be where they congregate. So we're doing the traffic calming measures, the bump-outs, alternating where the cars can park on which side of the road. So a lot of great ideas that administration brought forward on this project. So yeah, we're looking forward to it."

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