
Local Car Enthusiast Not Thrilled with Police Enforced Noise Campaign

Performance Car Exhaust System. Racing Grade Mufflers in the Modern Vehicle.
Performance Car Exhaust System. Racing Grade Mufflers in the Modern Vehicle.
Kegun Morkin believes most of the issues are with nighttime street racing

A local car enthusiast is worried it's a case of one bad apple spoils the whole bunch, when it comes to noisy cars.

As you've heard on AM800 News, Windsor police are launching a targeted noise campaign with a focus on noisy vehicles.

Between May 24 and Sept. 6, officers will be targeting vehicles creating noise through racing, squealing tires, and loud vehicles such as those without a muffler.

Kegun Morkin believes most of the issues are with night-time street racing.

"In the car community, a lot of people call that street takeovers and I know there's a lot of issues with loud exhaust during those takeovers and I don't personally condone anything like that," says Morkin. "A lot of those people leave trash around the area and it kind of ruins the image for the rest of us."

He argues that there are more important things to concentrate on these days.

"In regards to the loud exhaust, I think during the pandemic when people are struggling to stay afloat and businesses are closing, I think there's a lot more important things that we should be focused on rather than targeting people with loud exhaust."

Morkin says he has a hard time understanding why this is something that needs to be cracked down on.

"Sure, I understand it might be annoying but is it that much of an inconvenience people to target that and fine people for it? I don't know."

In May 2020, council approved a new noise bylaw that allows tickets to be issued for everything from vehicles with a noisy muffler or even vehicles playing loud music.

Windsor Police Services Board member, Ward Three Councillor Rino Bortolin says the campaign will start out an an educational campaign with warnings being issued - he says the message is to "be considerate."

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