Lakeshore Proposes 2.5 Per Cent Tax Hike
Lakeshore is asking residents for a little bit more in the 2020 Budget.
The town is calling for a 2.5 per cent tax increase over last year.
Lakeshore Mayor Tom Bain says administration has come through with a fair plan for the municipality once again.
"I think they have certainly whittled it down to a small increase, especially when you compare it to what our neighbouring municipalities are looking at," he says.
Bain says if there are more savings to be found, council and administration will find them over the coming weeks.
"If there's areas where they feel we can do some cutting, I certainly don't see any major areas of cutting, but all of those small pockets of cuts do help reduce it so it may certainly drop from 2.5 per cent," says Bain.
The veteran politician says coming up with a budget that pleases everyone is a tall order.
"You have on one hand a large group of residents who want continued servicing ... increased services and you've got those who say taxes are too high already so try to reduce them so It's finding a fine balance," he says.
The proposed budget would see a $29.02 increase on property taxes for a home valued at $250,000.
County and school board levies are factored in, but any changes to those totals will change tax figures for Lakeshore residents.
Four dates are set to deliberate the 2020 budget beginning at Lakeshore Town Hall Monday Nov. 25 at 9am.