
Kingsville Mayor Calling for Tax Cuts for Ontario Wineries

Essex County Council has unanimously endorsed a motion, calling on the province to give Ontario winemakers a break.

The mayor of Kingsville is calling on the province to give wineries some relief come budget time.

Ontario winemakers currently pay a 6.1 per cent tax on sales as well as a number of import fees to sell their products within the province.

Nelson Santos says it's time to level the playing field as wineries from other provinces and countries aren't subject to the same taxes.

Santos says COVID-19 has been tough on local growers and they need some help.

"The past season that the pandemic has brought, but certainly moving into the market for this year trying to bring our wines to the focal point and back to a fair level. This is an opportunity for us to really elevate that for our region," he says.

Santos says the extra fees make it hard to compete.

"When you look at how competitive the market is especially when we're competing with the U.S. market. There are different programs that are currently existing both south of the border and even towards British Columbia where provinces are providing relief of sorts, a rebate, to the wineries," he says.

Santos says the import taxes alone can account for as much as 35 per cent of the selling price.

"For us, that import tax, for example, on top of the additional taxes and fees that they're responsible for in the wine sector for our area wines. So this type of relief would certainly be welcome," he adds.

Santos brought his motion to Essex County Council Wednesday night who gave unanimous approval.

The motions calls for the changes to go into effect in the next provincial budget which is scheduled to come down on March 24. 

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