
Infamous Hum Sound in Lakeshore

Councillor Steven Wilder says residents in his ward started to hear the hum in 2016

First the Windsor hum, now the Lakeshore hum.

Councillor Steven Wilder says there is a hum happening in his ward at night.

Wilder represents ward one which goes from Manning Rd to Wallace Ln.

He says he and other residents started hearing the hum in 2016 but it has picked up recently.

"I've heard more complaints about kind of this low frequency, almost like a base sound that kind of, it's not a thumping so much as a constant kind of hum and the best way to compare it is almost like a loud stereo driving down the road except the car never gets there and the sound never dissipates," says Wilder.   

Lakeshore councillor Steven Wilder seen on November 5, 2019 (Photo by AM800's Zander Broeckel)

He says the sound is irritating.

"It seems to be a bit of a new development in the last few years and it's not constant every single night you hear it but in the last few weeks, it's been there consistently," says Wilder.     

Town officials are expected to look into the hum as well send a letter to the Ministry of Environment.

Back in 2011, Windsor city council started hearing about the Windsor Hum.

There remains a mystery surrounding the source of the rumbling sound but many feel it's coming from Zug Island.

The Windsor Hum has been covered internationally by a number of organizations including Vice News.

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