Hiatus House Shines Light on Woman Abuse
Hiatus House is shining a light on abuse against women.
The organization held its 6th annual 'Shine the Light on Woman Abuse' tree lighting ceremony Monday night at Charles Clark Square in downtown Windsor.
November marks Woman Abuse Prevention Month across Ontario and Hiatus House Executive Director Thom Rolfe says the goal is to turn the entire city purple to raise awareness on the issue.
He says there's a special meaning behind the colour purple.
"For the last six years, we've done a tree lighting and we light the tree purple," he says. "Purple is a symbol of courage and also gives the message to women that it's OK to talk about woman abuse."
He says the crowd at the tree lighting gets bigger each year while more young people are attending the event as well.
"We're getting the word out and people are listening and think it's important to attend. We think it's important to start early in terms of educating young boys and young women about abuse and what they can do."
The Hiatus House Shine the Light on Woman Abuse tree lighting held on November 4, 2019 (Photo by AM800's Rob Hindi)
He says they're also asking everyone to wear purple on November 15.
Purple lights and decorations can be purchased at the Canadian Tire on Walker Rd.
Hiatus House will also being selling purple scarves, hats, gloves and ties to increase awareness.
The 'Shine the Light on Woman Abuse' campaign began nine years ago in London and was quickly adopted by Windsor.