Grow On Windsor back for a 7th year of supporting men living with cancer

Grow On Windsor makes its return this November.
The kickoff was held Friday for one of the signature campaigns of the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation, which helps raise funds in support of men living with cancer in the region.
This is the seventh year for the event, after launching in 2015, and to date more than $1-million has been raised.
WCCF Executive Director Houida Kassem says the theme this year is Grow On Together.
"Part of that is getting our community even more involved to support the men in our community who have been diagnosed with cancer. And we're seeing, like you see today, the outpouring of support already and we haven't even officially begun. It kicks off on November 1 and people can register by going to our website," she said.
As part of this year's campaign, Ford Motor Company and Stellantis are getting involved where they will be raising funds internally and also challenging others to get involved.
"With Ford and Stellantis what they're going to do is they're essentially paving the way for other corporations to do exactly the same thing. They'll do different initiatives with their staff members, with their team, to raise funds. And I'm not going to lie there might be a healthy little competition between Ford and Stellantis to see who can raise the most."
Robert Franz, the Music Director for the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, is one the 2022 Grow On Windsor Ambassadors this year and shared his cancer battle from this past year.
He's now in remission, but detailed his difficult journey along with the great care and support he received at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre
Franz says campaigns like this are so important because everyone knows someone who's been impacted by cancer, and getting cancer can happen to anyone at any time.
"So the fact that our community I think works so hard together to ensure that we are prepared for whatever might happen for any of us. I think it's something really, really extraordinary and it makes me so proud and happy that I work and live here in Windsor," he stated.
Kassem says there isn't an exact goal in terms of what they're looking to raise, but last year they raised $255,000, and this year she's hoping they can exceed that.
Funds raised will go towards supporting advanced radiation treatment for brain tumours, legions and cancers of the skin, along with supporting the enhancement of seven cancer outpatient rooms as well.
More information and how to get involved can be found here.