
Goodfellows Hit City Streets for Newspaper Drive

Volunteers will be out collecting donations Thursday, Friday and Saturday

It's that time of year once again.

Beginning Thursday morning, the Windsor Goodfellows will be on street corners selling newspapers for charity.

The group has been operating in Windsor since 1910 on a mission to help those who cannot help themselves.

This from chair Bruce Tait who says 24 teams with more than 600 volunteers will be taking part in this year's drive.

He says when the weather isn't favourable volunteers typically bring in more donations.

"This sounds terrible, but I hope for not nice weather. If it's grey and cold I don't know if it puts people in a Christmas mood and they're more generous or if they feel sorry for our volunteers and they're more generous. Either way, it helps the Goodfellows."

Tait says the newspaper sales make up about 43% of the Goodfellows annual operating budget.

"Everybody knows the Goodfellows as Christmas time and the Christmas boxes, but the money also goes towards our shoe and boot program for elementary school children that are in need, breakfast nutrition programs and the regular boxes that go out throughout the year. About 83-cents of every dollar we raise goes towards the programs."

He's asking drivers to keep an eye out for volunteers.

"The teams are made up of volunteers. Some of them have been doing it for years and they just enjoy doing it. They enjoy helping out like that. They have traffic vests on so we're fairly visible, but we get people anxious to help the Goodfellows. Just watch the traffic when they're doing it."

The Goodfellows will be out and about in the city collecting donations Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Last year's newspaper drive raised more than $291,000.

— with files from AM800's Peter Langille

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