
Funding Tops 2016 For Public School Board

New schools for Leamington, Kingsville, Amherstburg and Windsor

The local public school board has a lot to be happy about going into 2017.

Director of Education Erin Kelly says 2016 was a good year, with funding from the Ministry of Education topping the list.

The Greater Essex County School Board started the build for the new Leamington District School, received $44 million for the Kingsville school build, and announced new schools in Amherstburg and Windsor.

Kelly says they continue to make gains in education as well.

"We had a lot of newcomers to our system this year which is exciting. We've been able to support them through things like our summer learning program, which supports all kinds of students but especially we're able to support some of our ESL students and our summer learning program. In fact we had about 600 students in total or more involved in that," says Kelly.

Kelly says the budget deficit was a disappointing announcement this year, but the board has since turned that around.

"Of course the budget always remains something that we're concerned with. We had announced a deficit which is always a little bit disappointing, but then we were able to turn that around and have surplus money. So we're always continue to do our best and be efficient, and use taxpayer money in a way that's responsible," says Kelly.

She says her wish for 2017 is to focus on and heighten mathematics and literacy education, and to build enthusiasm in Windsor-Essex.

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