
Essex Considering Ward Boundary Changes

Six options are being considered with four and five wards

Changes could be on the horizon for the ward make up of Essex.

One of a number of public meetings was held Tuesday night and a consultant has been brought on board to put together a plan.

Six options are being considered, built on two main models with four and five wards.

Erik Karvinen, with Watson and Associates, is one of the consultants heading up the project.

He says all public meetings have been well attended.

"It's great to see people in the community taking an interest in a study of this nature and certainly very encouraging to see. That participation and input from this phase of work will be quite critical and important as we move towards making a recommendation to council."

A number of options are being considered for ward boundary changes in Essex (Photo by AM800's Zander Broeckel)

Karvinen says the ten year plan needs to accommodate future growth.

"Population balance by ward is certainly an important part of that, but also recognizing that it's not only understanding population balance in the current year, but also recognizing that we need to anticipate future growth and how population by ward may look in the future."

Karvinen adds, Essex presents a unique challenge.

"Urban settlements, a significant rural area as well as shoreline communities and understanding that you want to preserve and respect those when drawing ward boundaries. So one of the challenges in an assignment like this is recognizing that Essex has many differing parts."

A final report is due back to council by late August with a goal of having any changes put in place for the 2018 Municipal Election.

If you're an Essex resident and weren't able to attend a public input session, you've got until July 28 to fill out a survey which can be found on the town's website.

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