
Essex Considering InLaw Suites

Mayor Snively believes the move allows for more flexibility for homeowners of all ages and stages of life

The Town of Essex is considering amending its official plan and adjusting its zoning bylaw to allow second dwelling units on properties.

The town has launched an online survey to get public feedback on the matter.

Mayor Larry Snively is in favour of the move and believes it gives more flexibility for homeowners, first time home buyers, young couples and seniors.

"I think this is the alternate source of homes for young couples," he says. "I don't think a young couple today can afford a $500,000 mortgage or a $600,000 mortgage. I think this is a long time overdue."

Snively says council has heard from more and more residents on the issue over the past year.

"Ever since the prices have taken off to buy a home now, I think this is a back up solution for high mortgages and high prices on homes today," he says.

He believes it makes sense for the municipality to adopt the changes.

"This all fits in to be affordable for young couples and retired people," says Snively.

Second dwelling units are commonly known as in-law suites, granny flats or garden suites.

The town's survey will be live until March 26.

Council will hold a special meeting on April 6 to consider the changes.

Local News
