
Downtown Mission serving Christmas meals

Interim Executive Director Rukshini PonniahGoulin says lunch and dinner will be available on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day

Christmas meals will be served at the Downtown Mission over the next couple of days.

Interim Executive Director Rukshini Ponniah-Goulin says lunch and dinner will be available on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

She says due to COVID-19 restrictions, the mission will welcome roughly 40 people inside at a time.

Ponniah-Goulin says different companies are assisting with the meals.

"We have some volunteers coming in, some specially sponsored meals from different companies with a few of their team of staff or organizational contacts, they'll be coming in to serve some meals," says Ponniah-Goulin.    

She says it's a huge blessing to give back to the community.

"We are trying to do the best we can to give our guests a special of an experience as we can at this time," she says.  "Unfortunately it's not up to par as previous years but we'll do what we can given our restrictions and safety protocols."       

The meals are available at the mission's Victoria Avenue location.

Lunch will be served from 12pm until 2pm and dinner is between 4pm and 6pm.

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