
Downtown Missions New Wellness Centre At Full Capacity

It is creating more space to add 42 beds

Despite the signs the Windsor economy is improving,  the number of homeless people using shelters is up.

The Downtown Mission is reporting the number of people using its Wellness Centre at 875 Ouellette Ave each night for a bed is beyond its current capacity.

Mission Executive Director Ron Dunn calls it is unprecedented.

As a result, the mission is creating additional space to accommodate another 42 men, women, youth and families.

He says the facility is being well used.

"It is a nice facility, they are sleeping on the bed and not on the floor," says Dunn. "There are some wonderful shower facilities available, our staff is helping more people in many more ways then they used to and let's not discount the mental health conversation. I would say it has reached epidemic proportions."

He says it highlights the need for affordable housing in Windsor.

The women's room at the new Downtown Mission of Windsor shelter unveiled on March 28, 2017. (Photo by Ricardo Veneza)

"The big story recently has been real estate and the prices of real estate going up. Lots of folks are happy because they are making more money on their property but that also drives up rents."

The facility opened back in April with 74 beds. 

Local News
