
Detroit Named Top Travel Destination, Good For Windsor Essex

Detroit goes from travel destination punchline to topline

Detroit's rebirth and renaissance after bankruptcy is paying international dividends.

Travel website Lonely Planet has named the Motor City the #2 city in the world to visit in 2018

That's good news for the people at Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island.

CEO Gord Orr says seeing Detroit in a top 10 travel selection may surprise some people...but not him.

"You know, not really." says Orr  "I think there's been a nice momentum Detroit's been on the last few years where there seems to be like a creative energy and innovation hub they's been building and certainly in downtown Detroit and I think their efforts are paying off"

He says the attention to Detroit will clearly be a bonus for Windsor Essex.

"It really is a 2 nation destination and the more people that come to Detroit can only help the great City of Windsor and the County of Essex." explains Orr  "I think when you look at the possibilities that it brings by way of more eyes looking at Detroit, that speaks well and potential for them to come over to our side of the border as well"

"In every Detroit Metro Convention and Visitors Bureau visitor guide have a message that speaks to the plenty of reasons why they'll love Windsor-Essex," says Orr "to tease them and draw their attention to our website and then hopefully bring them over to this area"

Lonely Planet cited Detroit’s renovated historic hotels, the booming dining scene, the new downtown arena, the QLine and the city’s eclectic mix of cultural, art and music attractions.

They list Seville, Spain at the number 1 city to visit.


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