Daycare Costs Skyrocketing, But Not In Windsor

A new study suggests the cost of child care fees in some of Canada's biggest cities has skyrocketed over the last three years, rising an average of more than twice the rate of inflation.
The study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives says the average monthly cost for full-time child care has gone up by more than 8-percent across the country over the last three years.
It says monthly fees for full time child care have, on average, risen more than eight per cent, with the annual per child cost now as much as $12,000 dollars in some cities.
The highest fees are found in Ontario, followed by British Columbia.
Quebec's child care fees have risen the most over the past three years -- about 18 per cent -- but are still, by far, the lowest in Canada.
When it comes to infant fees (under 18 months of age), Toronto has the highest fees at $1,649 while its an average of $977 a month in Windsor.
For toddler fees (from 18 months to age three), Toronto is again the highest at $1,375 while Windsor parents pay $846 a month.