City Investigating Vicious Dog Attack
A vicious dog attack that left a 6-year-old girl with more than 125 stitches is being investigated by the City of Windsor's By-law Enforcement Department.
The girl was mauled at a sleepover on January 6th.
Her grandmother says Karma Jariet needed 75 stitches in her face and 50 on her leg following the attack.
Windsor police were called but following an investigation, it was determined that no foul play or charges were warranted.
Manager of By-law Enforcement for the City of Windsor, Bill Tetler, says if there's no criminality, the matter is brought to the by-law enforcement department. "The investigation will be assigned out to the officer for the area in which the incident happened," says Tetler. "That officer will go out and meet with the parties and determine if there's any mitigating factors with regard to the incident and then move forward from there."
The incident falls under the Dog Owner Liability Act, which has a maximum fine of $10,000, up to 6 months in jail and possible restitution to victims.
The girl's grandmother is demanding the dog be destroyed but Tetler says what happens to the dog is not up to his department. "That would be up to the courts. We'd have to petition the courts depending on what we found during the investigation." says Tetler. "We could ask for restrictions to be put on the dog, we could ask for the dog to be humanely euthanized, it all depends on what happens during the investigation."
Police also forward their report to the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit to determine if the dog has rabies.