
City Councillor Wants Tethering Bylaw Change In Extreme Cold Conditions

Hilary Payne feels no animal should be left tethered for more than 15 minutes in extreme cold conditions

A Windsor councillor is calling on the city to change its tethering bylaw to protect animals in the extreme cold.

Hilary Payne filed a notice of motion on Monday asking the city to amend its tethering bylaw.

He feels no animal should be left tethered for more than 15 minutes when Environment Canada issues an Extreme Cold Weather Warning.

Payne says he's making the request after hearing for city resident Howard Weeks who started an online petition.

"It's the safety of dogs let's not even talk about cats because 50,000 cats out there that are freezing too but we're just talking about dogs and we're just trying to keep the environment safe for dogs," says Payne.  "That's all I'm trying to do."     

Hilary Payne's Notice of Motion

Payne says he wanted his motion passed immediately but council decided to send it to administration for more information.

"I really don't know what the problem is but it's up to council to decide whatever it wants," says Payne.  "I'm just concerned about the animals." 

The current bylaw allows an animal to be tethered for up to four hours.

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