
City committee approves front yard driveways for Windsor's Ward 4

Ward 4 Coun. Mark McKenzie is seen in Windsor, Ont. on May 6, 2024.
Ward 4 Coun. Mark McKenzie is seen in Windsor, Ont. on May 6, 2024.

Front yard driveways could be coming to Windsor's Ward 4.

The city's Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee approved a two-year pilot project on Wednesday to allow front yard driveways in the ward.

Councillor Mark McKenzie is the ward councillor and has been pushing for front yard driveways for about a year and it has already been discussed at both the committee and council level.

He says since being elected, this is an issue he's been hearing about from residents.

McKenzie says a lot has changed in the city since the policy was enacted.

"Back in 2009, 2010, we didn't have electric vehicles; we weren't talking about ADUs; we weren't in a housing crisis; things have really changed since then," he says.

McKenzie is hoping the pilot program is approved and is a success.

"I don't want to see vehicles just parking on front lawns or anything like that. I don't think anybody wants to see that, but we should allow residents to be able to put in a front yard driveway if they want to," he says.

McKenzie says if approved, residents would still have to go through the proper channels with city staff and council.

"If there's absolutely no room to put in a driveway, then we get it right; we're not going to allow something that isn't safe, but if it's safe to do so and if it makes sense, then absolutely allow these people to put in a driveway," he says.

McKenzie says about 15 years ago, a city policy was passed that dealt with front yard driveways.

He says the policy doesn't allow front yard driveways if you have a paved alley or alley access.

McKenzie says the policy is for an area north of Tecumseh Road, which includes wards 2, 3, 4, and 5.

The issue now goes to city council for final approval.

Local News
