Changing of the Guard at LaSalle Police

A changing of the guard at the LaSalle Police Services.
The board held a swearing-in ceremony this week for its new Deputy Chief Kevin Beaudoin, as well as recognizing Senior Constable Harbinder Gill for his four years in service as the Community and Corporate Affairs Officer.
Gill emphasizes that LaSalle police is all about having an open door with its residents and helping each other.
During his time as the media spokesperson, social media accounts through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with LaSalle Police have become more popular with more followers which Gill says is a direct link to its residents.
Gill also says that policing in a small town is different.
"For example the opioid crisis, that's not something that I'm going to say oh my kids are not affected, I need to see your kid or your brother or sister as my brother and sister," he says.
Gill also points out that LaSalle police alone can not keep the community safe.
"All these guys, they are true partners and our motto is in partnership there is success and I can not emphasis that partnership portion with our community with our leaders, our civic leaders" he says.
Constable Terry Seguin is taking over as the media spokesperson for the LaSalle Police Service which is the only small town independent police force in this area.