Belle Vue House Restoration Project Wins National Prize
An Amherstburg restoration project has won an award and some much needed cash.
Belle Vue House — A Clear View into the Future won The National Trust Community Builder prize for the most votes in the Canada.
A $10,000 injection of cash comes with the award as part of the This Place Matters competition.
25 projects competed for the prize based on votes and donations from June 14 to July 20.
Mayor Aldo DiCarlo says the money will go a long way towards helping the Belle Vue Conservancy reach their goal of restoring the home and property.
"As always, when we do things the community really steps up and supports us. This is absolutely a perfect example of what happens when we do that."
The most impressive part of the win is the amount of votes gathered without a donation.
"When it was all said and done, we won the award for the most natural votes found, not votes bought by donation dollars," says DiCarlo.
The Belle Vue House restoration alone will cost up to $3.5-million.
It will cost an estimated $9-million to restore the structure and develop the surrounding property.