Arbitration to Wrap Up Between Nemak and Unifor
Monday is the third and final day of arbitration for Nemak and Unifor Local 200.
The two sides took part in two days of talks last month — an arbitrator will hear final submissions today before making a decision on how the dispute between the company and the union will end.
Local 200 argues the company is in violation of the collective agreement with a decision to shut down operations in June 2020 and move production to Mexico, but Nemak is remaining firm on its stance that it's in full compliance with the agreement.
Unifor Local 200 president John D'Agnolo speaking about the Nemak protest on September 4, 2019 (Photo by AM800's Zander Broeckel)
Local 200 president John D'Agnolo says he's confident in the union's argument.
"The language we have in place in the contract, I hope the arbitrator looks at that and says that product is supposed to stay in Windsor," he says. "This has been a long road. I hope that the decision comes in our favour and these workers can do what they do best, produce a great product for Nemak."
D'Agnolo says the dispute has been tough on employees.
"Since the announcement they've been on pins and needles. It's quite sad to say the least. At one point they thought they were OK until 2022 and now they're relying on a decision from the courts. They were shocked on July 16 of this year when they announced the plant closure," he says.
No matter the outcome, D'Agnolo says it's going to be nice to have a clear direction going forward.
"We want to know what direction we have to go. They continue to do the work, that's what amazing about these workers, and they continue to put that product out hoping that the company recognizes the work they continue to do regardless of what's happening within the decision of the arbitrator right now," he says.
The arbitrator is expected to make a decision by November 17.
Unifor Local 200 represents the 170 workers at the west Windsor aluminium casting plant.
Back in September, workers formed a blockade at the plant which lasted for two weeks.