A Call For Help From Street Help Homeless Centre

There's a call for help from 'Street Help' in Windsor.
With the temperature in the deep freeze over the next few days, the homeless centre is desperate for items to help keep clients warm.
Administrator Christine Furlonger says they have around 80 sleeping bags but need around 300. "This year we are really really desperate for more sleeping bags what you see here is everything we have, we have none in storage, this is exactly it."
Street Help Homeless Centre on Wyandotte St East is short on sleeping bags. December 13, 2016. Photo by Teresinha Medeiros
"The homeless need the basics to survive" says Furlonger. "We are very short on boots and winter coats and we have a lot of people coming back twice a week asking are my boots in yet, are my boots in yet."
If you can help, donations can be dropped off at the centre at 964 Wyandotte St. E.
Donations for 'Street Help' can also be dropped off at 'Nana's Bakery' at 2936 Dominion Blvd.