21 Tickets, 26 Orders Issued in COVID19 Compliance Blitz
A total of 21 tickets and 26 orders were issued in Windsor-Essex as part of a COVID-19 compliance blitz over the weekend.
Provincial inspectors focused on 97 businesses and big box stores across Essex County on Saturday and Sunday.
According to the release, the most common infractions were inadequate screening, exceeding capacity and lack of safety plans.
Windsor's by-law enforcement officers were responsible for inspections within the city limits.
Officials say the majority of businesses faired well, but inspectors issued one ticket for not posting a capacity limit, two warnings for improper safety plans and five tickets for not wearing a mask.
Inspectors with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit issued 12 written notices in addition to the one charge over the weekend as well.
In total 640 businesses in Durham, the Niagara Region, Ottawa and Windsor-Essex were inspected over the weekend, resulting in 80 tickets and 100 orders.