
Windsor Man Grateful Dog Survived Vicious Attack

Joe McParlands greyhound Vici will recover but needed surgery to repair wounds to her throat and head

A Windsor man is grateful his beloved greyhound is alive after a vicious attack Friday.

Joe McParland was walking his 10-year-old greyhound Vici and her 5-year-old sister Tessie on Ouellette Ave. near Ellis St. around 5:30pm. McParland felt a pull and turned to find a small mixed-breed Pit Bull had latched its jaws around Vici's neck.

First he tried pulling on the dog's leash, but it wasn't enough.

"I can see blood spurting all over the place and she's yelping. I did everything in my power, I tried to kick the dog off but it was a smaller dog and it was hanging from her throat," says McParland, who then used a rush of adrenaline to finally pry the dog's jaws off her throat, getting bitten in the process.

He pulled the dog away, hands bleeding, McParland held its leash while bystanders called Windsor Police Service.

McParland says a man then ran across the street claiming to be the dog's owner and initiated a physical confrontation after seeing McParland kicking his dog.

Witnesses then stepped in and helped keep the man and the dog on scene until police arrived.

Photos from the aftermath of the assault are graphic — they can be found on McParland's Facebook page.

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