
1015cm of Snow Expected for WindsorEssex

AM800-News-Snow-Windsor-November 11-2019-1
AM800-News-Snow-Windsor-November 11-2019-1
Environment Canada expects slick driving conditions this afternoon

It may be early but it isn't record breaking.

Windsor-Essex is under a 'weather advisory' with as much as 10 to 15cm of snow expected for this region by the end of the night.

Speaking on AM800's the Morning Drive, Environment Canada Meteorologist Peter Kimball says snow at this time of the year isn't unusual, but the amount of it is unusual.

"Kinda a shock for people for what, we are still early November, Remembrance Day, we are not used to seeing this kind of weather this quickly in November," he says.

On this date back in 1984, 10.4cm of snow fell at the Windsor Airport.

Although 10 to 15cm of snow may fall, Kimball says not all of it will stick to the ground.

"Hopefully there will be a bit of mitigation because of the warm ground but that being said, it will still be treacherous driving today and with temperatures near -1C and wind out of the north causing some drifting snow even," he says.

Kimball says the drive home this afternoon may be tricky.

"The afternoon commute will certainly be pretty nasty so I think we are looking for it to end this evening and then tomorrow, winds out of the north, northwest and some flurries possible in the morning," he says.

The high for today is -1C but the average high for this time of the year is suppose to be 8C.

Stay tuned to AM800 for all the latest on the road conditions and updated weather information.

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